Feathered Chase

📅 09.07.2019 Played 1882 times 23 votes

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About Feathered Chase


We really love bringing We Bare Bears Games online for the visitors of our website, so of course we are very happy that right now we are sharing with you all the game called Feathered Chase, a game with these characters from Cartoon Network unlike you have played here before, so precisely for that reason we hope that you are going to give it a chance right away, and we're sure you won't regret playing it in the least.

Now, from this next part of the article, you will learn what to do, after which we're sure you will do just great! The three bears are going to advance in a tower formation, and you press the right and left arrows in order to make them attack the birds attacking them from those sides, and then you press the up arrow key in order to jump and avoid the birds when necessary.

You have to do so in order to reach with the bears as further as possible, because the more you go, the bigger your score is going to become. Good luck, and when you're done here, remember that there are other great games you can check out and enjoy here for free!

Game controls

Use the arrows.