Titans Most Wanted

📅 22.07.2019 Played 2059 times 10 votes

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About Titans Most Wanted


Of course we are excited that this day is also starting off with a brand new addition by our website over to the Teen Titans Go Games category, where we are very happy that right now we offer you all the chance to have a brilliant time with a game such as Titans Most Wanted, an action-adventure game that you are bound to love playing a lot, with the same thing has been true for our own time playing it, so why would it not be true for you as well?

This following part of the article teaches you what to do, so when you finish reading this we are sure you will be able to give the game everything you have best! There will be twelve levels in total, in which you have to defeat the forces of evil together with the Titans. Your goal is to protect Jump City from all the villains in each level.

This will be like a strategy game where you click on characters and then move them a certain number of steps, and then you select actions for them to do in order to defeat the enemies. Good luck, and strive to finish all twelve levels and save the day again!

Game controls

Use the mouse.