Zombie Parade Defense 2

📅 18.12.2020 Played 2303 times 6 votes

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About Zombie Parade Defense 2


Zombie Parade Defense 2 is an amazing new strategy game and action game all in one, which is a combination not usually seen in zombie games, which are some of the most popular ones you can play on our website, so when we got the chance to share with everyone here a game like Zombie Parade Defense 2, we made sure to take it.

One of the most important factors to this game and a reason that makes it a must-play game is that this is also a 3 player game online, so you can ask up to two of your friends to come to join you in the fun, although you can always play by yourself, of course, so choose the mode you want to play for starters.

The goal you have is to protect the base from the zombies attacking it, using not just the three soldiers that the three players will become, but also by upgrading the base with weapons and defense systems, which you should always power-up with the rewards you get from defeating waves of zombies.

Make sure your energy, gold, and power stats are always up so that you can work to the best of your capabilities. Now, for how the players move and attack, let's give you the controls. One player moves with W, A, S, D, and E to enter or exit the base, and for the same things, Player 2 uses the arrows and L, and Player 3 uses Y, G, H, J, and U.

Good luck to you against the zombies, and we hope that you will love every second of playing this game, just like we all did!

Game controls

P1: W, A, S, D, E. P2: arrows, L. P3: Y, G, H, J, U.